ODP/IODP Well/Seismic Integration
This tool was initially developed for the 2018 Petrophysics Summer School as an introduction to seismic/well integration. The expeditions and wells were chosen because the necessary logs had been collected, all the data were already in the public domain, and the wells with sonic logs were deep enough. In particular, all ODP legs where single channel seismic data had been acquired by the JOIDES Resolution and where sonic logs were recorded have been added. Eventually more expeditions and wells will be added, potentially even expeditions in progress, depending on data and time availability...
developed with Seismic Unix (SU) and The Generic Mapping Tools (GMT)
bathymetry from the Global Multi-Resolution Topography (GMRT) synthesis
comments/questions/suggestions? contact gilles guérin (guerin@ldeo.columbia.edu)