High Resolution Data file dictionary for ODP Leg 157 - Hole 952A
157-952A_cntgl-hr.dat = Compensated Neutron Tool - Lower Section - High Resolution
157-952A_cntgum-hr.dat = Compensated Neutron Tool - Upper Section and Main Pass - High Resolution
157-952A_cntgur-hr.dat = Compensated Neutron Tool - Upper Section and Repeat Pass - High Resolution
157-952A_hldtl-hr.dat = Hostile Environment Litho-Density Tool - Lower Section - High Resolution
157-952A_hldtum-hr.dat = Hostile Environment Litho-Density Tool - Upper Section - Main Pass - High Resolution
157-952A_hldtur-hr.dat = Hostile Environment Litho-Density Tool - Upper Section - Repeat Pass - High Resolution